Frequently Asked Questions
Q: How can you do a reading over the phone/video Doesn't it work better in person?
A: It does not have to be in person to have an accurate reading
By calling in you are automatically entering into a field of energy my spirit and yours communicating giving me the information i need to absorb your energy and help guide and direct you
Q:How do you receive your information?
A: I can both hear (Clairaudient) and See (Clairvoyant)
i am Also an empath, and often receive the information as if i were watching a movie.
I can also receive information via flashes (icons, numbers).
I actually see your loved one in their image,
and get the messages either telepathically or actually hear them,
If a loved one has entered the room the information I receive is from your Guides, and Angels
I am The translator for your messages and theirs.
Q: Timelines
A:Timelines are based on what happened in the past to the present, the present being the reading that you and I are doing together right now, Every action can change the course of events in a timeline
and even change the outcome.
Q: is the way I ask a question important?
A: If you ask a closed question such as: "will Ben and I get back together soon?"
You will likely get a yes or no answer from your spirit.
however If you ask an open ended question such as: "tell me about me and Ben"
Now you have given Spirit latitude to answer more fully, with more information, and you have demonstrated that you are open to whatever messages your Spirit has for you.
Q: Do you work with my Guides and Angels, too?
A: I do.
Q: Do you have to do a meditation, connection, or clearing every day as a professional reader?
A: Yes I do.
Q: What do I need to do to receive the best possible reading?
Come in with an open mind
your spirit your soul your guardians are sending messages and i am here to translate for you
release your expectations for what you will hear
that is the greatest block to information coming through for you
If you are asking about a romantic affiliation and expect to hear one thing and yet hear another that can be extremely disappointing
I encourage you to come in with an "open attitude"
so that Spirit can freely offer you messages of hope and healing.
Q: What can negatively effect a reading over the phone
A: More than one person in the room can affect the reading
I can tap into energy so I will be picking up on multiple energies with more than one person in the room
If any guardian spirits or angels come in i will know that it is yours
which is why I prefer to read one person at a time.
A: It does not have to be in person to have an accurate reading
By calling in you are automatically entering into a field of energy my spirit and yours communicating giving me the information i need to absorb your energy and help guide and direct you
Q:How do you receive your information?
A: I can both hear (Clairaudient) and See (Clairvoyant)
i am Also an empath, and often receive the information as if i were watching a movie.
I can also receive information via flashes (icons, numbers).
I actually see your loved one in their image,
and get the messages either telepathically or actually hear them,
If a loved one has entered the room the information I receive is from your Guides, and Angels
I am The translator for your messages and theirs.
Q: Timelines
A:Timelines are based on what happened in the past to the present, the present being the reading that you and I are doing together right now, Every action can change the course of events in a timeline
and even change the outcome.
Q: is the way I ask a question important?
A: If you ask a closed question such as: "will Ben and I get back together soon?"
You will likely get a yes or no answer from your spirit.
however If you ask an open ended question such as: "tell me about me and Ben"
Now you have given Spirit latitude to answer more fully, with more information, and you have demonstrated that you are open to whatever messages your Spirit has for you.
Q: Do you work with my Guides and Angels, too?
A: I do.
Q: Do you have to do a meditation, connection, or clearing every day as a professional reader?
A: Yes I do.
Q: What do I need to do to receive the best possible reading?
Come in with an open mind
your spirit your soul your guardians are sending messages and i am here to translate for you
release your expectations for what you will hear
that is the greatest block to information coming through for you
If you are asking about a romantic affiliation and expect to hear one thing and yet hear another that can be extremely disappointing
I encourage you to come in with an "open attitude"
so that Spirit can freely offer you messages of hope and healing.
Q: What can negatively effect a reading over the phone
A: More than one person in the room can affect the reading
I can tap into energy so I will be picking up on multiple energies with more than one person in the room
If any guardian spirits or angels come in i will know that it is yours
which is why I prefer to read one person at a time.